10 примет на английском языке с переводом. The Superstitions in Britain

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Тема по английскому языку: Суеверия в Британии

Топик по английскому языку: Суеверия в Британии (Superstitions in Britain). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

Признак удачи

Как в любой другой стране, в Британии существует множество суеверий. Признак удачи – встретить черную кошку. Она изображается на английских поздравительных открытках наряду с подковой. Их обычно вешают на дверь для того, чтобы они принесли удачу. Однако подкова должна быть подвешена открытой стороной вверх. Удача уходит из подковы, если ее повесить наоборот. Люди касаются или стучат по дереву, чтобы что-то сбылось. Положенные в карман новой одежды деньги также приносят удачу.

Признаки неудачи

Пройти под лестницей, разбить зеркало, рассыпать соль, положить новую обувь на стол, обойти кого-либо на лестнице – признаки неудачи в Британии. Число 13 также несчастливое. Пятница 13 – очень несчастливый день. Пятница – потому что Иисус был распят именно в этот день недели.

Застольные суеверия

Существуют некоторые застольные суеверия. Если вы уроните нож, ожидайте посетителя мужского пола, если вилку – женского. Оставленная на ночь белая скатерть – признак смерти.


Есть суеверия, связанные с бракосочетанием. Жених и невеста не должны видеться в день свадьбы, кроме как у алтаря. Невеста должна быть одета во «что-то заимствованное, что-то голубое, что-то старое и что-то новое» для удачи. Невеста ни при каких обстоятельствах не должна надевать свадебное платье раньше дня свадьбы.

Животные и суеверия

Животные играют важную роль в британских суевериях. Считается, что если ребенок прокатится на спине медведя, он не заболеет кашлем. Плохо, если вы видите летающих мышей и слышите их крики, так как в средневековье верили, что ведьмы были тесно с ними связаны. Воробей, залетевший в дом – предзнаменование смерти одного из живущих там людей. Полагают, что черные кролики владеют человеческими душами. С другой стороны, если вы будете произносить «белый кролик» в первый день каждого месяца, это принесет вам удачу.

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Superstitions in Britain

A sign of good luck

As in any other country, there are lots of different superstitions in Britain. It’s a sign of good luck to meet a black cat. They are featured on greeting and birthday cards in England as well as horseshoes. They are usually hung over the door to bring good luck. But they need to be the right way up. The luck runs out of a horseshoe if it is upside down. People touch or knock on wood to make something come true. Putting money in the pocket of new clothes also brings good luck.

Signs of bad luck

Walking underneath a ladder, breaking a mirror, spilling salt, putting new shoes on the table, passing someone on the stairs are all signs of bad luck in Britain. The number thirteen is unlucky. Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day. Friday is because Jesus was crucified on this day of the week.

Table superstitions

There are some table superstitions. If you drop a knife, expect a male visitor, if it’s a fork – a female one. A white tablecloth left on a table over night is a sign of a death.

Wedding superstitions

There are superstitions connected with wedding. Bride and groom must not meet on the day of the wedding except at the altar. The bride should wear “something borrowed something blue, something old and something new” for good luck. Under no circumstances should the bride wear her wedding clothes before the day.

Animals and superstitions

Animals play a great role in Britain’s superstitions. It is thought that if a child rides on a bear’s back it will be protected from whooping-cough. It’s bad luck if you see bats flying and hear their cries as in the middle ages it was believed that witches were closely associated with them. A sparrow that flew into the house is an omen of death to one of the people who live there. Black rabbits are considered to host the souls of human beings. On the other hand, it is believed that saying “White Rabbit” on the first day of each month brings good luck.

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If you walk under the stairs, you"ll have bad luck. Если пройти под лестницей, будете несчастливы.

Certain bones on the black cat had the power to make wishes come true, or even to make one invisible. Некоторые кости черного кота могут исполнять желания или даже сделать вас невидимыми.

White heather is lucky. Белый вереск - к удаче.

Broken mirror leads to seven years of misery or seven disasters. Разбитое зеркало ведет к семи годам несчастья или к семи бедам.

Catch falling leaves in Autumn and you will have good luck. Every leaf means a lucky month next year. Поймать падающие листья осенью к удаче. Каждый лист означает счастливый месяц в следующем году.

Unlucky to see one magpie, lucky to see two, etc. Увидеть одну сороку - к неудаче, увидеть двух - к удаче и т.д.

It is not common to kill spiders in the house, because these insects are believed to bring good luck and money. В доме не принято убивать пауков, потому что считается, что эти насекомые приносит удачу и деньги.

Married in white, you have chosen right; married in black, you’ll wish yourself back. Выйдешь замуж в белом - верным будет дело, в черном обвенчаться - назад возвращаться.

Lucky to find a clover plant with four leaves. К удачи найти клевер с четырьмя листочками.

According to legend, the people in love usually cook salty food. Согласно поверью, влюбленные обычно готовят пересоленную еду.

Russians believe that carrying an empty bucket is not good or bumping into a person with an empty bucket in the street. Россияне считают, что нести пустое ведро не хорошо, как и встречать человека с пустым ведром на улице.

To break the dishes is a good sign, it’s said that it is to good luck. Разбить посуду - хорошая примета, говорят, что это к счастью.

Good luck if a white cat crosses your path. К удачи если белый кот пересечет ваш путь.

Unlucky to put new shoes on the table. Ставить обувь на стол - к несчастью.

Unlucky to open an umbrella in doors. Открывать зонт в помещении - к неудаче.

Putting money in the pocket of new clothes brings good luck. Если положить деньги в карман новой одежды это принесет удачу.

Cut your hair when the moon is waxing and you will have good luck. Подстригать волосы на растущую луну - к удаче.

Pale moon rains, red moon blows; white moon neither rains nor blows.
Перевод: Бледный месяц льет дождь, красный месяц гонит ветер, белый – отдыхает (ни дождя, ни ветра)

The moon her face be red, of water she speaks.
Перевод: Если облик Луны красный - к дождю.

A wind from the south has rain in its mouth.
Перевод: Южный ветер приносит дождь (дословно - У южного ветра дождь во рту).

If cirrus clouds form in weather with a falling barometer, it is almost sure to rain.
Перевод: если перистые облака формируются, когда падает давление, наверняка будет дождь.

If wooly fleeces spread the heavenly way, be sure no rain disturbs the summer day.
Перевод: если небо звездное – дождя не будет.

If cumulus clouds are smaller at sunset than at noon, expect fair weather.
Перевод: "Если кучевых облаков на закате меньше, чем в полдень, погода будет хорошей".

The moon with a circle brings water in her back.
Дословный перевод: Луна с кругами вокруг приносит воду на спине. Т.е. Круги вокруг луны - к осадкам.

Empty bottles on the table are a bad sign. Пустые бутылки на столе - дурной знак.

Don"t whistle inside your house, you"ll have no money! Не свистите в доме, денег не будет.

Black cat crosses path it’s for bad luck. Черная кошка переходит дорогу это к невезению.

Are you superstitious? Do you believe in signs? Many people do. For example, they are afraid of number 13 or black cats.

In today’s exercise we offer you to learn about some superstitions that Russian people have.

Listen to audio and try to understand it by ear. After the main text you will be asked a few questions about what you have just read. There will be a pause after each question to give you some time to work out your answer. Remember, the more complete and detailed answers you give, the better your Russian skills are developing. In the very end we’ll repeat all the questions and give you example answers.

Keep in mind that there are several ways to answer these questions, the answers we give you are just possible examples.

This exercise is intended for the advanced Russian learners.

Let’s begin!

О́чень мно́гие приме́ты и суеве́рия свя́заны с зеркала́ми. И неудиви́тельно, зеркала́ всегда́ ассоции́ровались с чем-то маги́ческим. Наприме́р, никому́ не хо́чется случа́йно разби́ть зе́ркало – согла́сно пове́рью, э́то приведёт к семи́ года́м несча́стья и́ли, по други́м исто́чникам, к семи́ бе́дам. Е́сли вы случа́йно что́-то забы́ли до́ма, и вам пришло́сь верну́ться, обяза́тельно посмотри́тесь в зе́ркало пе́ред вы́ходом, а ещё лу́чше, покажи́те себе́ язы́к – таки́м о́бразом вы избежи́те возмо́жных неприя́тностей и пробле́м.

There are very many signs and superstitions connected with mirrors. Not surprisingly, the mirrors have always been associated with something magical. For example, no one wants to accidentally break the mirror – according to legend it will lead to the seven years of misery or, according to other sources, to the seven disasters. If you happen to forget something at home, and you had to get back for it, be sure to look in the mirror before going out, or better yet, show out your tongue to yourself – that way you’ll avoid possible troubles and problems.

Ещё оди́н популя́рный геро́й суеве́рий и приме́т – пова́ренная соль . Так, наприме́р, просы́пать соль – э́то к ссо́ре. Е́сли кто-то пригото́вил пересо́ленную еду́, зна́чит он (и́ли она́) влюблён.

Another popular hero of superstitions and signs – salt. For example, spilling salt – this is to a quarrel. If someone has prepared salty food, then he (or she) is in love.

Ру́сские всегда́ о́чень боя́тся “сгла́зить”, т.е. принести́ несча́стье слова́ми и́ли де́йствиями. Наприме́р, когда́ кто-нибу́дь произнесёт вслух како́е-нибу́дь нежела́тельное разви́тие собы́тий, то что́бы э́того избежа́ть, ему́ говоря́т: “Постучи́ по де́реву” и́ли “Сплюнь”. В после́днем слу́чае подразумева́ется, что челове́к три ра́за плю́нет че́рез ле́вое плечо́. Таки́м о́бразом мы отво́дим беду́.

Russian are always very afraid of putting the ‘evil eye’, i.e. to bring misfortune in words or actions. For example, when someone pronounces aloud any undesirable event developments, then in order to avoid this others say him: ‘Knock on wood’ and ‘Spit’. In the last case, it is understood that the person will spit three times over his left shoulder. Thus we avert a disaster.

Та́кже мно́го приме́т свя́зано с посу́дой. Счита́ется, что случа́йно разби́ть посу́ду – к сча́стью. А е́сли на пол упадёт ло́жка и́ли ви́лка – жди в го́сти же́нщину, е́сли нож – мужчи́ну.

Also a lot of signs are associated with the dishes. It is believed that it’s good fortune to break dishes by chance. And if you drop a spoon or fork on the floor – expect a woman to visit you, if it’s a knife – a man.

Собра́лись в доро́гу? Во-пе́рвых, не плани́руйте вы́езд на пя́тницу – доро́га не бу́дет уда́чной. Убери́тесь зара́нее в кварти́ре, а пе́ред са́мым вы́ходом на́до посиде́ть. “Посиди́м на доро́жку” – говоря́т ру́сские, и все уса́живаются – кто на дива́н, а кто на чемода́ны. Ненадо́лго затиха́ют, и тут кто-нибу́дь вспомина́ет, что забы́л что́-то ва́жное. Поле́зный обы́чай, пра́вда?

Are you going to a trip? First, do not plan leaving on Friday – the journey will not be successful. Put everything in order in the apartment beforehand, and just before the leaving you should have a sit. ‘Let’s sit before the road’ – Russians say, and everyone sit down – one on the sofa, and others on the bags. Being quiet for a while, suddenly someone remembers that he had forgotten something important. It’s a useful custom, is it not?


1. К чему́ ведёт просы́панная соль?
1. What does spilled salt lead to?

2. Что бу́дет, е́сли разби́ть зе́ркало?
2. What will happen, if you break a mirror?

3. Разби́ть посу́ду – э́то хоро́шая и́ли плоха́я приме́та?
3. To break the dishes – it is a good or a bad sign?

4. Что на́до сде́лать пе́ред са́мым вы́ходом, е́сли вы собра́лись в да́льнюю доро́гу?
4. What should be done before the leaving, if you are going on a long journey?

5. Е́сли челове́к влюблён, како́й, согла́сно пове́рью, бу́дет еда́, им пригото́вленная?
5. If a person is in love, what is the food he cooked like according to legend?

6. Что име́ется ввиду́, когда́ говоря́т “Сплюнь”? Заче́м так говоря́т?
6. What is meant by saying ‘Spit’? Why people say that?

7. Что на́до сде́лать, е́сли вы забы́ли что́-то до́ма и вам пришло́сь верну́ться?
7. What you should do, if you forgot something at home, and you have to go back?


1. Просы́панная соль ведёт к ссо́ре.
1. Spilled salt leads to a quarrel.

2. Разби́тое зе́ркало ведёт к семи́ года́м несча́стья и́ли к семи́ бе́дам.
2. Broken mirror leads to seven years of misery or seven disasters.

3. Разби́ть посу́ду – хоро́шая приме́та, говоря́т, что э́то к сча́стью.
3. To break the dishes is a good sign, it’s said that it is to good luck.

4. Е́сли вы собра́лись в да́льнюю доро́гу, то пе́ред са́мым вы́ходом рекоменду́ется сесть и споко́йно посиде́ть.
4. If you’re going on a long journey, before the leaving you should have a sit and be calm for a while.

5. Согла́сно пове́рью, влюблённые обы́чно гото́вят пересо́ленную еду́.
5. According to legend, the people in love usually cook salty food.

6. Когда́ говоря́т “Сплюнь”, име́ется ввиду́, что челове́к до́лжен три ра́за плю́нуть че́рез ле́вое плечо́, что́бы не сгла́зить.
6. When saying ‘spit’, it means that one should spit three times over his left shoulder in order not to pur the evil eye.

7. Е́сли вы что́-то забы́ли до́ма и бы́ли вы́нуждены верну́ться, пе́ред вы́ходом на́до посмотре́ться в зе́ркало и показа́ть самому́ себе́ язы́к.
7. If you forgot something at home and were forced to return, before leaving you should to look in the mirror and show yourself your tongue.

1. Прочитайте текст, предложите свой перевод. Составьте аннотацию, подготовьте устное сообщение.

What is Superstition?

According to Webster"s dictionary, superstition is n. any belief that is inconsistent with the known laws of science or with what is considered true and rational; esp., such a belief in omens, the supernatural, etc.

Halloween is traditionally the time when common superstitions, folklore, myths and omens carry more weight to those who believe. Superstition origins go back thousands of years ago. Beliefs include good luck charms, amulets, bad luck, fortunes, cures, portents, omens and predictions, fortunes and spells.

Bad fallacies far outweigh the good, especially around Halloween when myths run rampant. When it comes right down to it, many people still believe that omens can predict our destiny and misfortune -- particularly for the worse.

Superstitions & Bad Luck Omens

Black Cats

Black cats have long been believed to be a supernatural omen since the witch hunts of the middle ages when cats were thought to be connected to evil. Since then, it is considered bad luck if a black cat crosses your path.

Broken Mirrors

An ancient myth our ancestors believed was that the image in a mirror is our actual soul. A broken mirror represented the soul being astray from your body. To break the spell of misfortune, you must wait seven hours (one for each year of bad luck) before picking up the broken pieces, and bury them outside in the moonlight.


In the days before the gallows, criminals were hung from the top rung of a ladder and their spirits were believed to linger underneath. Common folklore has it to be bad luck to walk beneath an open ladder and pass through the triangle of evil ghosts and spirits.

If an owl looks in your window or if you seeing one in the daylight bad luck and death will bestow you.

At one time salt was a rare commodity and thought to have magical powers. It was unfortunate to spill salt and said to foretell family disarray and death. To ward off bad luck, throw a pinch over your shoulder and all will be well.


Sparrows are thought to carry the souls of the dead and it is believed to bring bad luck if you kill one.

Unlucky Number #13

The fear of the number 13 is still common today, and avoided in many different ways. Some buildings still do not have an official 13th floor and many people avoid driving or going anywhere on Friday the 13th.

Good Luck Superstitions


To bring good luck, the horseshoe must lost by a horse and be found by you, with the open end facing your way. You must hang it over the door with the open end up, so the good fortune doesn"t spill out.

Another origin of the "lucky horseshoe" is the belief that they ward off witches. Witches, it was once believed, were opposed to horses, which is why they rode brooms and pitchforks instead. By placing a horseshoe over a door, the witch would be reluctant to enter. (Hat tip: Iris)

Four Leaf Clover

Clover is believed to protect humans and animals from evil spells and is thought to be good luck to find a four leaf clover, particularly for the Irish.

Rabbit"s Foot

These lucky charms are thought to ward off bad luck and bring good luck. You mush carry the rabbit"s foot on a chain around your neck, or in your left back pocket. The older it gets, the more good luck it brings.


Two people are to pull apart a dried breastbone of a turkey or chicken and the one who is left with the longer end will have their wish come true.

Common Myths & Folklore

If the flame of a candle flickers and then turns blue, there"s a spirit in the room.

If a bird flies through your house, it indicates important news. If it can"t get out, the news will be death.

If you feel a chill up your spine, someone is walking on your future grave.

A person born on Halloween will have the gift of communicating with the dead.

A bat in the house is a sign of death.

If a bird flies towards you, bad fortune is imminent.

If your palm itches, you will soon receive money. If you itch it, your money will never come.

Crows are viewed as a bad omen, often foretelling death. If they caw, death is very near.

If a person experiences great horror, their hair turns white.

A hat on a bed will bring bad luck.

Eat an apple on Christmas Eve for good health the next year.

Источник: http://www.halloween-website.com/superstitions.htm

Origins of 13 Common Superstitions

By Kathleen Davis

Even if you don’t consider yourself a superstitious person, you probably say “God bless you” when someone sneezes or find yourself knocking wood. And, though superstitions aren’t logical, the idea of luck and magic can be comforting-especially when so many things are beyond our control. In honor of this unlucky day, we set out to discover the source for 13 common superstitions.

1. The Number 13

The belief that the number 13 is unlucky is said to be the most common superstition. This fear is so widespread that many apartments and hotels omit the 13th floor, and some planes have no 13th row. Avoiding the number 13 is thought to stem from Christianity-there were 13 guests at the Last Supper, for example, and some believe that if you have 13 letters in your name, you will have the devil’s luck.

2. Black Cats

Although in the U.S. we believe that having a black cat cross your path is bad luck, it’s not the same the world over. In Egypt, for example, all cats are considered lucky-this dates back to ancient times, when cats were considered sacred. Our modern-day fear of black cats may stem from the Middle Ages, when it was believed that a witch could take the form of a black cat.

3. Breaking a Mirror

The belief that you’ll have seven years’ bad luck if you break a mirror is said to come from the Romans, who were the first to create glass mirrors. But long ago many cultures, including Greek, Chinese, African and Indian, believed that a mirror had the power to confiscate part of the user’s soul. The thinking was that if the mirror was broken, the person’s soul would be trapped inside.

4. Walking Under a Ladder

It makes sense that you shouldn’t walk under a ladder for safety’s sake, but superstition advises against it for other reasons. First, an open ladder forms a triangle, and triangles were once considered a symbol of life, so walking through that shape was considered tempting your fate. It is also thought that because it has three sides, the triangle symbolizes the Holy Trinity, and “breaking” it by entering the triangle is bad luck.

5. Throwing Salt over Your Shoulder

The belief that you should toss a pinch of salt over your left shoulder to get rid of bad luck originates from the legend that the devil is always standing behind you, so throwing salt in his eye will distract him from causing trouble. Nowadays, most people only do this after spilling salt-which is thought to be bad luck, because salt was an expensive commodity long ago and folklore linked it to unlucky omens in order to prevent wasteful behavior.

6. Opening an Umbrella Inside

According to superstition, bad luck will “rain” on you if you open an umbrella indoors. One explanation comes from the days when umbrellas were used as protection from the sun; opening one inside was an insult to the sun god. Another theory: An umbrella protects you against the storms of life, so opening one in your house insults the guardian spirits of your home, causing them to leave you unprotected.

7. Saying “God Bless You” After a Sneeze

Considered a polite response to a sneeze, the phrase “God bless you” is attributed to Pope Gregory the Great, who said it to people who sneezed during a bubonic plague. Aside from the idea of protecting against the spread of disease, “blessing” someone after they sneezed originated from the erroneous beliefs that the soul escapes the body during a sneeze and the heart momentarily stops as well. Therefore, saying “God bless you” was a way of welcoming the person back to life.

8. Carrying a Rabbit’s Foot

The superstition can be traced as far back as the seventh century BC, when the rabbit was considered a talismanic symbol, and the left hind foot was a handy way to benefit from the rabbit’s luck. Additionally, the Chinese consider it a sign of prosperity. In some cultures, the rabbit’s foot is believed to promote reproduction, so women carry one around to boost their odds of getting pregnant.

9. Knocking on Wood

Knocking on wood, or simply saying “knock on wood” after making a hopeful statement, is rooted in the idea that you’re tempting fate by acknowledging your good fortune. It’s thought that the expression comes from the ancient belief that good spirits lived in trees, so by knocking on something wooden, a person was calling on the spirits for protection.

10. Crossing Your Fingers

It’s a near-universal sign of wishing for something, but there are many theories about its origin. One is that when Christianity was illegal, crossing fingers was a secret way for Christians to recognize each other. Another is that during the Hundred Years’ War, an archer would cross his fingers to pray for luck, before drawing back his longbow with those same fingers. Yet another, even older, theory is that crossed fingers were used as a gesture to ward off witches and other evil spirits.

11. Horseshoes

There are several theories here. The first is that the devil appeared at the door of a blacksmith, who agreed to remove a shoe from his hoof if he promised never to enter a place where a horseshoe is hung over the door. The second belief is that witches rode on broomsticks because they were afraid of horses, so a horseshoe is a good charm to scare them off with.

12. Four-Leaf Clovers

Universal symbols of good luck, four-leaf clovers exist-they’re just hard to find. Legend says that when Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden, Eve snatched a four-leaf clover as a remembrance of her days in Paradise. Since then, lucky attributes have been assigned to all four leaves of the rare plant-each associated with St. Patrick and the Holy Trinity in Irish legend.

13. Bird Droppings on Your Head

It sounds like a recipe for the ultimate bad hair day, but many people the world over believe that if a bird lets loose on you, good things are coming your way. One idea is that it’s a sign of major wealth coming from heaven, based on the belief that when you suffer an inconvenience (albeit a pretty gross one), you’ll have good fortune in return.

Из песни Des"ree "Life"

Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life

I"m a superstitious girl
I"m the worst in the world
Never walk under ladders
I keep a rabbits" tail
I"ll take you up on a dare
Anytime, anywhere
Name the place, I"ll be there
Bungee jumping, I don"t care

Из песни Stevie Wonder "Superstition"

Very superstitious,
Writing"s on the wall,
Very superstitious,
Ladders bout" to fall,
Thirteen month old baby,
Broke the lookin" glass
Seven years of bad luck,
The good things in your past

When you believe in things
That you don"t understand,
Then you suffer,
Superstition aint the way
